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10-28-2017, 03:26 AM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2017 03:27 AM by blackhatspidy.)
Post: #31
RE: [GET] The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion Lesson Manual + Interview - Blair Warren [pdf]
AbeLincolnBart, thank you for giving life to this thread again :)

When actionguy asked the reason for you preferring "The forbidden keys" over
books like "Breakthrough advertising, you gave the reason that they don't give
you the core principles of manipulation.

So my question is this:

Knowing what you know about both breakthrough advertising and
forbidden keys,if tomorrow you have to start your copywriting career
from scratch,you still prefer forbidden keys over breakthrough advertising
or any other great copywriting books?

+5 rep's added for the mirrors

NonConformer,thank you so much for this thread...+5 rep's added... :)
10-28-2017, 03:42 AM
Post: #32
RE: [GET] The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion Lesson Manual + Interview - Blair Warren [pdf]
(10-26-2017 12:16 PM)actionguy Wrote:  "If all you were allowed was one manual for copywriting - this is the one you'd want."

Why do you recommend this book not the usual Breakthrough Advertising etc?

Thanks for the link and reps added.

(10-26-2017 05:40 AM)AbeLincolnBart Wrote:  
(02-08-2014 10:04 AM)djn4645 Wrote:  I own this product. It's solid gold. Although the basic principles of persuasion don't change, Blair Warren takes them to a whole different level and then some. This book sells online for $97 and is worth at least 10X that price. Major props to nonconformer for making it available to BBF members.

I own this product too. I paid full price (thousands of dollars...) many years ago to be part of the first 100 who got "The Forbidden Keys".

I was younger then, and was more than a little concerned when I saw Blair sell more copies. I thought, "Oh no, more people will be able to have the same competitive advantage."

I didn't need to worry. So few people will put in the effort to even read his material, even if they get it for free; and then, so few people who are determined enough to sell or even write sales copy - that the risk of competition is nil.

Unfortunately, too many of the people viewing this site are being led around by their phones and can't be bothered by something that will make THE difference in their future wealth.

If all you were allowed was one manual for copywriting - this is the one you'd want.

Of course, that's my opinion. Maybe it'll make a difference knowing that I make my entire living from writing copy..., but there are others on this site that do that too. Maybe they see things differently.

The price is right here on BBHF.

Extra download access:
Magic Button :
---October 25,2017--- Uses our favorite password.

Have a great week.


AbeLincolnBart...when I click on the link, it takes me to a google search page after I copy into my browser. What am I doing wrong?
10-28-2017, 04:49 AM
Post: #33
RE: [GET] The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion Lesson Manual + Interview - Blair Warren [pdf]
LOL... ALB you ROCK! I feel "Tipped" by clicking your video link! hahaha.

Thanks for furthering evidence in a way only you so masterfully achieve but, I ask you to clarify what is all this? All I have is my ongoing demographic research concerning my target markets.

Before I started reading this wonderful book I thought I knew them fairly well. Now I'm reevaluating, discarding, shuffling, highlighting many personal schemas AND my approach with them!

ALB? You never write gobbledygook but you allude to some fundamentals that are really unknown by the masses, the herds, me. Can you clarify all this? Cause from what I've read so far it seems to center around understanding, navigating peoples resistance with persuasion but it really goes much deeper than that.

So I used the word schemas and honestly don't know why at that time it seemed best. Ran a search and first result is a 6 page pdf "Schema Theory", from CSUS.edu here it is if interestedhttps://www.mediafire.com/file/94299u4m0...Theory.pdf

Two quotes from the schema theory pdf:

"Simply put, schema theory states that all knowledge is organized into units. Within these units of knowledge, or schemata, is stored information. A schema, then, is a generalized description or a conceptual system for understanding knowledge-how knowledge is represented and how it is used."

"Long before students come to school, they develop schemata (units of knowledge) about everything they experience. Schemata become theories about reality. These theories not only affect the way information is interpreted, thus affecting comprehension, but also continue to change as new information is received."

I can hear you now ALB telling me to keep reading, and I will. Maybe you can give us a little more insight. It's fun asking you cause it's like tossing gas on a flame.

I just re-upped the mirror on this Blair Warren thread but only with the FREE version of his "The One Sentence Persuasion Course"

I've not read it yet.


And it seems there is more material with - "Daniel Levis Interviews Blair Warren" - That looks mighty fine too.

Yippee ki yay
10-28-2017, 05:00 AM
Post: #34
RE: [GET] The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion Lesson Manual + Interview - Blair Warren [pdf]
@ bluefeb - the link works. Maybe you got the hyphen mixed in with the https. When highlighting make it clean.

@ blackhatspidy - from my take on it Blair's book is not a copywriting book per se. Maybe ALB can clarify or offer his thoughts but I think this goes as an accompaniment book to true copywriting books.
10-28-2017, 07:39 AM
Post: #35
RE: [GET] The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion Lesson Manual + Interview - Blair Warren [pdf]
(10-28-2017 03:26 AM)blackhatspidy Wrote:  
AbeLincolnBart, thank you for giving life to this thread again :)

When actionguy asked the reason for you preferring "The forbidden keys" over
books like "Breakthrough advertising, you gave the reason that they don't give
you the core principles of manipulation.

So my question is this:

Knowing what you know about both breakthrough advertising and
forbidden keys, if tomorrow you have to start your copywriting career
from scratch,you still prefer forbidden keys over breakthrough advertising
or any other great copywriting books?

I hesitate to answer this question, as it could potentially do a disservice to those who have a different nature than myself. More in a few minutes....

For me personally, Blair Warren's material is definitely all I could wish or need.

Because, knowing what I know to be the TRUTH; I believe that you - with your own personality - coupled with the understanding of how humans think, feel and decide - is more than enough ammo to take over the world if you so choose to do it.

My only cautionary statement is to use your abilities for good, not evil.

Due to unusual, forced circumstances in my early life, I hit the world in my 20's as a homeless, socially-inept 98 pound weakling (Charles Atlas reference) See below:

[Image: 98_lb_weakling.jpg]

When I realized how profoundly dysfunctional I was, I knew the only choice I had was to change or die.

I became a poster boy (in my own mind) for the saying: "that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger..." My solution was to completely make-over myself.

I became my own creation. Hard? Yeah. And, it took time.

My rule-set to remake myself was Truth. If something could be proven, validated and repeated over and over again - it was considered Truth to me.

Anything else I considered just someone's opinion.

(Note to the reader: I know I'm a bit unique, but not that unique. My uniqueness is not what gets me success. My absolute determination to not let anything stop me is the reason for my success.)

After a number of terrible sales jobs (door-to-door) I got offered work writing ads for a small 3 man shop advertising agency. They believed even a hippy following a template could write copy. They were right about that, but that didn't make the copy pull orders.

I had no assumptions, was willing to test things and had no ego to gum up the works at the job. So, I stayed, got pretty good quickly writing material that I proved to work.

Sure, I read copywriting manuals like everybody else. But from a different perspective. Mine. I didn't believe something just because I was told it was true. I tested it.

Finally, one client of the ad shop took me aside and asked me work exclusively for him. I did. I worked out of my apartment most of the time. Eventually I picked up other clients. And moved into a house of my own.

And then I ran across Blair Warren's material. It was like getting hit by a sledgehammer in the face. Within 6 months my income trebled. In 2 years I could retire. But I didn't. I had found my "calling".

I finally understood why people reacted the way they do and how you can help or hinder that reaction by what you write. Over and over. Product after product. Forever and ever until there are no people anymore.

So that is the long explanation of my answer.

Side note: The majority of those wishing to write copy for a career may not need a total remake of their personality to get the job done, like I did. Maybe studying basic copywriting techniques might be better for their personalities. And then add nuances to it - even some material from Blair Warren.

Have a great weekend.


"Success leaves clues, but rarely within reach of a couch."
---Blair Warren
10-28-2017, 02:01 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2017 02:06 PM by blackhatspidy.)
Post: #36
RE: [GET] The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion Lesson Manual + Interview - Blair Warren [pdf]
AbeLincolnBart, I am glad that I commented on this thread.
That way, you shared your story.There are two things which stand out
from your story.Others may have their own perspective, that's ok.

#1 "My absolute determination to not let anything stop me is the reason for my success."

Everone reading this can apply this to their own life.But I think it will be more suited for
newbies getting started.In your IM journey, you will hit a lot of roadblocks, obstacles and
low points.At times like that, as AbeLincolnBart said it is your "absolute determination" to
not let "anything stop" you is the only thing which can make you successful.

#2 "I didn't believe something just because I was told it was true. I tested it."

Here in so many threads, I have seen so many members believing others opinions.
Even with good products I have seen so many members giving their 2 cents and
others who believe that, without even testing it for themselves.

My realization occurred when I choose to go through a product even after reading
a negative comment.To my surprise the product was good.Then and there I made
the decision to never believe anyone.I decided to test things for myself if I wanted
to and form my own opinions.

Note: In case of trusted members like AbeLincolnBart, when they something I listen
and I believe.Because they have the best intentions in their heart for other members

This is true in life too.When you want to become an entrepreneur, instead of an
employee, you will be told some truth's by people around you.As AbeLincolnBart
said, just because you were told it was true, you don't have to believe them.
It may have been true for them and it may have served them as an employee.

You want to become an entrepreneur.When people around you-friends, family,
neighbors, co-workers, successful people you look up to give you opinions, you
have to think about their intentions.Maybe they care for you, they don't want you
to try and fail.In their minds, they couldn't do it themselves and they believe
you too will not be.Wrong.

Others may be envious of you, trying to reach big goals.And some others may be
afraid that you will take a piece of their pie.

Again, you will never let anything or anyone stop you from getting what you want
and you test things out for yourself and never believe anyone, just because they have
told you that something is true.
10-29-2017, 09:05 AM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2017 09:06 AM by GordonShumway.)
Post: #37
RE: [GET] The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion Lesson Manual + Interview - Blair Warren [pdf]
This Blair Warren material is super powerful. I know I commented above about it, just wanted to say it again... I had read his "One Sentence Persuasion Formula" a while ago and found that both interesting and powerful.

This deeper course has filled in a number of the holes still left in my vision on=f how to apply that.

blackspidy from above makes some good comments about what Abe had to say:

#1 "My absolute determination to not let anything stop me is the reason for my success."
#2 "I didn't believe something just because I was told it was true. I tested it."

So true those comments. It is easy to toss your cards in and fold. That is the easiest thing in the world to do. Face an obstacle and just give up... It's what most people do and it is why they live a life shackled to doing JOBS for other people instead of breaking away from the pack and following a path of their own choice.

And comment #2 is also very true. For me, this ties directly back to what Einstein said: “The important thing is not to stop questioning.”

For me, Questioning = Testing. Read something, learn from it, then test it. Make sure that someone else's observations are valid for your circumstances.

All in all, this is an excellent share and an excellent thread.


Consistency builds momentum... And that’s how dreams become a reality.
11-27-2017, 01:25 AM
Post: #38
RE: [GET] The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion Lesson Manual + Interview - Blair Warren [pdf]
Thank u So Much!
01-04-2018, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 01-05-2018 07:06 AM by sammiefields22.)
Post: #39
RE: [GET] The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion Lesson Manual + Interview - Blair Warren [pdf]
The most powerful thing I learned in this book was psychological ventriloquism.

I read this book a while ago and applied psychological ventriloquism in my email marketing. At least one of those emails made me a lot of money. But then I overused it and my readers stopped trusting me. I think the key is to be as subtle as you can with it for it to take effect.

The key to psychological ventriloquism is to show rather than tell. Rather than keep telling your reader how great your product is, you exhibit its greatness.

Easier said than done I know, but I'll come up with more examples and post them on here when I get more time.

Update: I was just re-reading that section in the book, and here's a great example:

Quote:"An ad agency is going broke due to having too few clients. The word is out that the firm is going under. How do those involved convince others in their industry, in the media and especially their potential clients that the firm is still viable and worth hiring? How do they turn it all around before it's too late?

Do they lower their prices in an effort to expand its client base? Do they take out ads or issue press releases explaining their credentials and highlighting their past successes? Do they psych themselves up and hit the streets in a last ditch effort to round up clients? No. They decide to throw a party and as a result, save their firm.

This is the situation painted by Jurgen Wolff in his excellent book Do Something Different - Proven Marketing Techniques to Transform Your Business. The situation and result are both true.

As Wolff points out, the owner of the agency, Jerry Delia Femina, spent everything he had left throwing a lavish Christmas party for competitors, potential clients and journalists in an effort to make them see the firm as a success. What was the result? According to Wolff, "The party had the desired effect. Wanting to be part of such an obviously successful new venture, several clients signed up immediately, and the agency went on to great success."

Can you just imagine the risk and the faith this strategy involved? When most of us have trouble getting our messages across, we not only tend to move toward "tried and true" methods, but more direct ones as well. When our advertising doesn't work, we do more of it. When our pitch doesn't work, we strengthen it. And when our argument isn't convincing our business partner, our spouse or our children, we repeat it and often do so in louder and louder tones of voice.

Perhaps we could learn something from these three examples and rather than push harder the next time we wish to communicate with power, we take a step back and use psychological ventriloquism instead. "

Rather than just come out and tell your potential customers that your product is great, it's the best thing since sliced bread, you have to buy it right now, and give them all the features and benefits, is there a way you can show/demonstrate/convey how great your product is, so your potential customers make the conclusion to buy, all by themselves?

It helps if your product/service truly IS great. Steve Jobs never used to come on stage and scream at the top of his lungs, "this is the best phone ever, you must BUY NOW!" He would simply come on stage and demonstrate how great his product was, and people would come to their OWN CONCLUSION that they had to buy this product!!!

Plus (going beyond Blair Warren's book here) when your product/service truly is great, people will talk about it, and the best persuasion ever is when people your potential customer knows and trusts who have no affiliation with your product whatsoever, are raving about it.
01-05-2018, 09:04 AM
Post: #40
RE: [GET] The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion Lesson Manual + Interview - Blair Warren [pdf]
Watch a bunch of infomercials and you'll see exactly how to "show" your customers the benefits of using your products. - Converting that method to copy involves setting up triggers for your prospects imagination to let loose. Read "Breakthrough Advertising" to learn how to do that.

You want your customers envisioning the results that will achieve using your products. If you sell shovels are you selling the actual shovel to them or are you selling the holes and the dirt and other crap they can move around with it? Think about that.

Are you selling a wood and metal snow shovels or are you selling clear and safe sidewalks so they don't get sued or fall and break a hip? ;)
